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Bridezilla Tips: The Best Skin-Care Tips for Brides-to-Be!

Hello Girls,

Many brides get really frustrated as they get different answers to questions about skincare, beauty and makeup for the big day? I have seen many questions like: Do I go for a facial a day before the wedding? How do I know that this facial won't break me out? Are facials useful or just another marketing scam? Is it Risky to try someone new? Do I do a professional facial or do I just stick to my own routine?

Well, here are my compiled answers for all of you to cut on the gossip and help you focus on your big day:

1) To attempt a facial, you have to know what your skin type is. If you skin is the normal type, clear with no open pores, not oily, no pimples and no scars then any type of facial will suit your face. Make sure it is a trusted source and with high-quality products. Don't hesitate to invest after all it is worth every single penny.

2) Do not do facials at hair salons. These type of facials are usually done by the staff who are not properly trained nor certified. Always attempt your facials in clinics and by doctors.

3) If your skin is the oily and acne-prone type, then stay away from all facials. There are very high chances that your skin will be irritated further, so it is better to stick to your own routine. If you want to explore, then make sure it is at least 3 months before your wedding day.

4) Brides who attempt facials should do them at least 3 days before the big day. Just in case any minor irritation occurs, 3 days will be good enough to help them heal.

5) Do not try new things on your wedding week. Stick to what you already know and what your skin is used to. You can definitely explore later.

6) Do not try what your friend tries. Her skin is different and chances are you won't get the same results. Always seek professional help.

7) Keep your skin makeup-free at least two weeks before the wedding. This will help relax the pores and help the skin breath.

8) Do not go tanning before the wedding day. You do not want extreme contrast between your face and your white wedding dress. In addition, you do not even want to risk the chance of being burnt!

9) Tell your makeup artist what your skin type is in advance, so that he/she knows what type of foundation to use. Using the right makeup product will not clog your pores or inflame the skin.

Congrats in advance!

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Stay Tuned, Stay Beautiful!
