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The best three ultimate ways to dry your expensive makeup brushes.

Hello girls,

In this blog post, I am going to discuss with you the importance of taking care of your brushes, cleaning them properly, drying them effectively and the right tools to get to help you with their maintenance.

If you want to read more about the importance of cleaning your makeup brushes and how to do it please visit this blogpost: Steps to clean your makeup brushes.

Another thing you need to take in consideration is that makeup brushes have to be dried on a flat surface or even better upside down.

There is a tray that you can buy that looks like this:

and you can buy it from:

Another cheap alternative, is to get the socks and undies hanger and hook each brush individually. This is a very simple and cheap way of doing that and you can get this hanger from all supermarkets in the household plastic sections.

Note-to-Self: Drying your makeup brushes on a flat surface or upside down will prevent the water from running down your wooden handle and thus will prevent it from loosening its glue from the brush itself.

Natural hair makeup brushes are very expensive and taking care of them will elongate their life. Makeup brushes can literally live up to 25 years. It is a great investemet only if you do the right maintenance.

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