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How to apply nail polish Like A Pro that lasts for over a week

Hello girls,

Living abroad and without a car has taught me to do my own nails at home, since I get very lazy to get out of my house just to visit the nail salon. So, I bascially taught myself how to do it like a pro and wanted to share these nail tips with you so that you can try them too!

1) File your nails: Filing your nails in the shape you want every two three days will help them grow out more neatly and more healthy.

2) Soak them in warm soapy water: to help soften them and clean them off from any nail polish residue with a nail brush.

3) Apply a base coat: we tend to always skip this step when we are colouring our nails at home. Base coats are very important, as they tend to smooth out any ridges on the nail itself and gives a good base for the nail polish to land on. Let it dry for 2-3 minutes

4) Apply first layer of your nail polish. Let it dry for at least 5 minutes. The trick here is to keep layering up your colour only after you are completely sure that the previous layer has already dried up completely.

4) Apply your second layer: let it try for at least ten minutes.

5) If needed, apply a third layer of your colour and this time let it dry for 15 minutes.

6) Apply your top transparent coat. This step is also very important as it helps to seal in the colour and prevent it from cracking throughout the week.

7) Apply a cuticle oil around the nail while it is still drying.

8) If you want to dry your nails faster, get a nail drying spray or you can even do it with a hair spray. Make sure that with both sprays you spray at a distance.

9) Apply a nice softening hand cream after you are completely done.

10) Keep a transparent nail polish bottle next to your bed and every night give your nails a quick coat to help refreshen the colour and make it look good as new.

Happy Colouring Girls!!!
