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HEALTH ALERT: 15 unhygienic actions we are all guilty of committing!

Hello Girls,
I wanted to share with you many of the day-to-day actions we are all guilty of committing that actually effect both our health and skin conditions in a negative way. We all need to stop them as soon as possible.

1) Not washing your makeup purse.
When was the last time you washed your makeup purse? Never? Ok, then you have to start doing that today. Makeup purses' interior are a great harbour for bacteria and pathogens. You will not like to keep the products that you put on your face in such a contaminated area. Every week, just toss it in the washing machine.

2) Not washing your hands before washing your face.
We tend to forget about washing our hands first before starting our morning or night routine. Our hands are the most exposed parts of our bodies and are always infested with bacteria from the amount of things we touch throughout the day. Since our hands are our only washing tools, it is a good idea to keep them clean.

3) Not washing your makeup brushes as often as you should.
Oh well, I can't keep repeating this tip. Wash Your Brushes. Full Stop.

4) Sharing your makeup with your mothers, sisters and friends.
If you think sharing is caring, go ahead and share your makeup but make sure your disinfect everything between persons. If someone used your eyeliner, sharpen it before you use it. If someone uses your blushes or bronzer, get a cotton pad and wipe the surface of the product. If someone used your mascara, too bad!

5) Re-touching your concealer without washing your hands.
Throughout the day we like to retouch our concealer and doing so without washing our hands first is extremely unhygienic. The first reason is that your dirty hands will touch your face and another reason is that you will be contaminating your concealer pot itself.

6) Not cleaning your mobile screens.
Carry with you dettol wipes and wipe your mobile screen as often as possible. Build up of oil, sweat and foundation on your skin is the number one cause of cheek acne for many people.

7) Not washing your hair combs and brushes.
If you don't wash your makeup brushes, chances are you have never washed your hair brushes either. Every two weeks, fill your skin with warm soapy water and throw all your brushes in them. Make sure to always remove hair from the brushes after every use.

8) Dipping your fingers in makeup pots.
Always get bottles with pumps or applicators. Dipping your fingers in makeup pots is extremely unhygienic. If you have to do that, then make sure you wash your hands thoroughly.

9) Not removing your mascara properly.
Make sure that every trace of mascara is removed at night. Do not underestimate the amount of bacteria that will keep multiplying at night on your lashes while you are sleeping. Do not come and cry later when you feel your lashes are slowly disappearing.

10) Keeping your toothbrush on your sink.
I got into many bathrooms and I found that a lot of people keep their brushes lying on the counter. Hell No! If you see a bathroom counter under a microscope, you will never ever attempt this mistake again.  They are probably more dirty than toilet seats. Put it in a cup and make sure to disinfect them with tea tree oil. Another way, is to put them in the microwave for a few seconds. Change them every three months too.

11) Not soaking your tennis shoes in the sun.
Gym junkies have to do that. Your tennis shoes could be one of the reasons why you get toes/foot infections. Put some talc powder and keep them in your balcony. Leave them to be disinfected by the natural UV sun rays.

12) Not changing your towels every two days.
Change your towels every two days. The humidity in the bathroom reacts with wet towels and cause mildew and mould. You don't want to put that on your skin.

13) Not changing your sheets every week.
Change your sheets every week. Dust Mites feeding on your dead skin/flakes every night will keep multiplying throughout the week and will hinder the skin's regeneration process. Get rid of them!

14) Not disinfecting the products on your sink.
Facial washes and moisturisers have to be wiped clean every now and then. #justsaying

15) Not thoroughly disinfecting your bathtub.
Many women enjoy bubble baths after long stressful working days. What they fail to understand is that many women-related infections are caused by women sitting in contaminated bathtubs. Make sure that you clean your bathtubs really well with professional disinfecting household products before soaking yourselves in them.

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