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Cash Savers: Get Your Beauty Routine Done at Home

Hello Girls,

Living abroad made me learn things the hard way. To be honest, when you live abroad your mentality completely changes. You think of more ways to save and other ways to maintain your beauty standards at the comfort of your own home. It is true, Dubai is the land of beauty treatments but for me I'd rather get things done by myself then having to go all the way to someone to trim my hair or paint my nails. However, there are occasions when I love going to beauty salons, but these are only when I truly feel like I want a fresh breeze of air. So, there you go, these are some of the things I taught myself to do and I actually really enjoy doing them! Plus, they were true cash savers for me.

Hair Treatments and Hair Masks: 

Why go to a hair salon and spend a good 400 LE for a hair treatment or a 15-minute hair mask, when you can definitely do it at home. Instead of paying 400 LE for a one time treatment, invest this money in a very high-end hair mask and use it at home for multiple times. A good jar of hair mask can last you up to 20 washes. Now imagine paying 400 le during each of your twenty salon visits, you will end up paying 8000 LE worth of treatments.  All you need to buy is a good hair mask like kerastase or L’Oréal expert and get the vapor hair machine that you can find in beauty salons. Apply the hair mask and sit under this vapor machine for 30 minutes to allow the pores to open and the hair follicles to absorb the product.  Wash your hair normally. If you cannot find the vapor machine, a hot towel (wet or dry) around your head will do the trick. 

Changing Nail Color at the Salon:

 I seriously don’t get girls who go to the salon just for a nail color change. Why do that when you can train yourself to do it at home?  Keep your nail visits for pedicures, scrubbing and skin removal. If you fail to apply proper nail polish, a good trick is to apply glue all around your nail bed and then apply your nail polish normally. Don’t worry if you find yourself getting out of the nail because after you are done all you will do is peel of the glue which will leave you with clean looking and perfectly polished nails. 

Invest in a good hair straightener:

If you have thin soft hair, you can easily style your hair at home. With a good flat iron you can make your hair straight or wavy in less than ten minutes. However, if your hair is hard to manage (like mine) then you have no choice. 
Remington UV-Baked Ceramic Straightener.


Always keep waxing strips near you. Getting into the habit of hair removal with every shower will prevent you from visiting hair salons, wasting money and wasting time till you get to your turn.

Hair Trimming:

Trim your hair for yourself every 3 months. This is very easy to do and it does not take more than ten minutes too. All you need is a thin comb and a good pair of scissors. Take a few hair strands and pass the comb through them. As you reach the end of the strand, cut the uneven hair pieces that are coming out of the comb’s teeth. 

or another way is to twirl the hair strand and cut only those coming out of the hair strand itself. These are usually the split ones. 

Keep your Manicure Long-Lasting:

Make your nail polish more long-lasting by applying a thin coat of transparent nail polish every night. You will wake up to fresh looking unchipped nails that will last you over ten days. 

Eyebrow Plucking:

Learn to pluck your eyebrows for yourself. Remove the pieces of excess hair from underneath your eyebrows with your tweezers. Comb your eyebrow upwards and with a small nail scissors just lightly cut the tallest edges until you see they are the same height. Comb your eyebrow back to its normal shape and apply some transparent mascara to keep them looking sleek. 

Moroccan Hammam At Home:

Make your own Moroccan/ Spa Experience at home. All you need are some candles, scents, flower petals, Moroccan loofah, Moroccan soap and bubble foam. Start your experience by creating the perfect atmosphere: light up the candles, have the water running, dim the lights, and throw some bubble foam and petals in the bath tub. Give your body the perfect scrub with the Moroccan Loofah and soap which you can find in many supermarkets or beauty salons. After your done, sit in the bubble foam bath and sprinkle some Epsom salts in it. Lie down until you feel you are completely relaxed and stress-free. You can always listen to some spa music which you can download on your tablet and sip on some cinnamon or chamomile tea. There are many spa products that you can buy from Nertari, Bath and Body works and Body Shop.

Being on tight budgets does not mean you cannot treat yourself well. Of course, there are days where we need to feel pampered by having someone treat us to these services but there are other times too where you can still manage to do them at the comfort of your own place, save the extra cash and still feel just as great. 

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