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CONFESSION: 5 Non-Makeup Related Beauty Secrets Done by Irresistible Women

Hello beautiful! How are you?

 No, it's not Heba El Kaissy this time. It's Think Natalia. I am a lifestyle blogger, model, coach and speaker. And most important: Totally have a girl crush on Heba. Not the way you think, I mean it as a genuine compliment ;)  Heba and I met in March at a photography event and "clicked" within the first minutes. Since then, we do not only work together but also became good friends. 

As I was able to help Heba with a few challenges in her life, she asked me for a guest post. Sure thing. So today, we will focus on how to be(come) and feel more beautiful WITHOUT make-up, as I believe that a natural, young glow resulting from happiness and inner peace is the first step we ladies need to focus on - before using a primer and showing off our contouring skills.

1) Think, speak & act beautifully
Stop complaining, nagging, gossiping, stressing and worrying. Latest studies have shown that especially the two last mentioned factors lead to wrinkles, premature ageing and hair loss. So by quitting these bad habits you even prevent some of our skin and hair problems. You eliminate these problems at their root cause and work on your inner peace/balance. Too good to be true? Give it a go!

2) Sun wisely
Speaking about wrinkles. Did you know that you still get up to 50% of UV light when tanning in the shadow (e.g. underneath an umbrella) and a more even tan? You also dramatically reduce the risk of getting skin cancer and won't stress your body and skin as much as in direct sun, which fosters ageing. PS: Don't forget your sunscreen anyway!

3) Sleeping, the silver bullet
Dark wrinkles underneath your eyes? How many hours do you sleep daily? When do you go to bed? And did you know that your body produces fat reducing and youth enhancing hormones during sleep? In addition to that your appearance and glow when entering a room is always more powerful when you feel fresh, not like a squeezed out lemon due to lack of sleep.

4) Healthy diet & drinking enough water
Are you aware of the fact that drinking 3 liters of water daily boosts your metabolism by up to 20%? You will also see massive changes in your face. Your skin will look fresher and tighter. The wrinkles underneath your eyes will disappear. You will look and feel younger! Also keep in mind that the food you eat has huge impacts on your skin and well-being. Treat your body like a temple. Respect it and be wise about your nutrition.

5) Exercise daily
Toned is the new skinny. Exercising daily also boosts your immune system, floods your body with happiness hormones and simply makes you look hot(ter) on the beach. There are hundreds of sport disciplines out there. Have you already tried yoga, Zumba, aerobics, Hip Hop, spinning, jogging and beach volleyball?  If no, why? 

My challenge for you? 

Try the above-mentioned hints and let me know your thoughts! I would love to hear from you. Till then: Good luck!
