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Busy working mums' tips to look pretty and conquer the world!

Latest youtube episode, just in case you didn't see it!

Hello Girls,

I get so many questions from young busy working new mums about how to look fresh and beautiful but in a far less time-consuming beauty routine.

 Many women have concerns that they do not have the time to look and dress properly for work. They claim that the only way to do so is to slather their faces with makeup, which not only make them look dull but also old.

Here are a few tips on how to look just gorgeous with just little tips that will save you both time and effort:

1) Keep it a habit to sleep early:
Ok, so many of you are going to claim that they is not doable and that this is nearly impossible. I am not telling you to tuck yourself in bed at 9 but don't go further than 11:30. The reason why I am asking you to do this, is that you have to assure that your body gets not less than an eight-hour sleep. This is a promise that you should make to your body.
A body that sleeps well is a body that wakes up well. You will see a difference in your levels of energy, in your skin, in your blood circulation as well as your puffiness.

2) Control your sleep cycles:
 May woman have have new borns that tend to wake up several times during the night. If you managed to control your sleep cycles with your kid, no matter how many times you wake up during the night you will still wake up refreshed.
A full sleep cycle is 90 minutes. If you managed to sleep full cycles of 90 minutes, your sleep pattern will not be interrupted and you will wake up each time refreshed. Say your baby wakes up every three hours, this is exactly two full sleep cycles; so don't worry if you wake up as long as you do not wake up in the middle of the sleep cycles before they finish.

Try to count exact intervals of 90 minutes when you set your alarm, it all make a huge difference. If you sleep say at 7am waking up at 8:30 am is so much better than waking up at 9am. For more info about that please read this: Tips for Beauty Sleep

3) Prepare the night before:
Don't leave everything till the next morning. Prepare your makeup, accessories, outfit, kid's lunch box and everything at night. This will save you so much time and effort thinking about what to wear or what to match it with.

Or some very organised women get a small clothes' hanger in the corner of their rooms and organise their outfits per week like this:

4) Keep your shower at night:
If you are the kind who likes an early morning shower, try keeping it before bedtime. It will save you a good 15 minutes.

5) Keep your night routine simple:
Wash, tone moisturise. Do not apply too much moisturiser at night as this can hinder your skin's regeneration process. A drop of serum and a drop of moisturiser is enough to keep your skin hydrated and ready for renewal.

6) Drink lots of water at night: 
Keep it a habit to drink a glass or two of water before you sleep, it will help out with the puffiness and the bloating.

7) Don't eat and sleep:
Leave at least a two hour gap between your last meal and your bedtime.

8) Stretch, or gym:
 Doing all these duties at night, will give you enough time in the morning to wake up and do some home stretches, yoga or even a 15-minute walk on the treadmill. Here is a nice 5-minute stretch video for you: 5 minute stretch

9) Have a light quick breakfast:
Having a cup of fresh juice, coffee, banana or yoghurt will help provide you with the necessary energy until your reach your office.

10) Morning routine:
Wash, tone, moisturise like usual. This shouldn't take more than three minutes.

11) De-puff:
Put your eye cream in the fridge and by the time you prepare your coffee or wake your kids up, it will be cold enough to de-puff your eyes. You can leave it overnight after you apply your night eye cream.

This is an example of a mini cosmetic fridge that you can later purchase for your beauty uses!

12) Use the makeup you know best:
Don't try to explore new looks and new options in the morning. Use what you know, keep it simple and to the point. A mascara, blush, lipstick and bb cream is more than enough. Leave the experimentation for the weekend. You can also play "The 5 minute Makeup Challenge". Challenge yourself to apply makeup in five minutes and keep practicing.

13) Get dressed:
Having the outfit prepared the night before will make you get dressed in not more than seven minutes.

14) Prepare your handbag or laptop bag:
 Nothing is more frustrating in the morning than running around looking for keys, phones and documents. Prepare your handbag and laptop bag the night before.

This is an example of a handbag organiser. All you need to do it organise it and easily move it from one bag to the other. I bought mine from Primark London.

15) Do the same with your kids:
Be organised with them too, so that the only thing they have to do  once they wake up is to just get dressed and go to school. No need for running, screaming, looking for things, and preparing breakfasts. Do all this the night before and wake up like a happy family:)

In a nutshell: 
If you sleep at 11:00 PM, you will wake up at 6:30 AM. This is exactly 5 proper 90-minute interval sleep cycles uninterrupted.

 From 6:30AM till 7:30AM trust me all those above steps will be done in no rush at all. This may seem like a large undoable list, but every step won't take you more than 5 minutes once you get yourself organised!

This is how successful mothers still manage to look pretty and conquer the world!

Don't forget to:

Like my FB Page: The Kit- The Makeup Artist

Subscribe to my youtube channel: The Kit's Channel

Follow my Instagram: hebakc

Follow my Twitter: @hebakc

Follow my Pinterest Board: The Kit- The Makeup Artist Board

Stay Tuned, Stay Beautiful!
