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14 Outstanding Anti-Ageing Hand Tips By The World's Most Famous "Hand Model": Adele Uddo!

Hello Girls,

Today, I want to take you through a very important subject which is taking care of the hands. It has come to my attention that most of the questions I get from women is mainly concentrated on face and wrinkles around the eyes. I rarely recieved a question that asks about hand care, which brings me to this blog post.

 This is the part of the body that we take for granted the most because we use it excessively in every little detail of our lives but we never give it the beauty attention that it deserves. I have to break some bad news for you too: the hands are the second body part that are the first to age after the eyes. So if you are really worried about your laugh lines, you should be worried just as much about your hands. You can get deceived by how old a woman looks because of the way her face is well taken-care of; however, the minute your eyes accidentally drops to her hands you can almost immediately give an accurate estimation of how old she is.

Take a minute with yourself and try to think of how you make use of your hands every single day of your life: from house work, to diaper changing, to cooking, cleaning chicken, wiping tables, carrying strollers, typing on your lap tops, driving, pushing, shoving, moving, closing, opening, dragging etc... There is a good reason why hands age early, don't you agree? As you start hitting your 45's, you will start seeing how the skin starts to thin, how the veins start to show, how they are constantly dry, and how your nails are always yellow and brittle. The reason for that is because you over used your hands without really counter reacting this usage with a proper daily hand care routine.

There is a job called: Hand Modelling. It is just as important as the regular modelling and paid just as much. These hand models are the reason why nail polish brands, food brands and jewellers sell with millions. One of the most famous hand model is: Adele Uddo. You are definitely familiar with her hands but you never saw her face before. Here she is:

Adele Uddo has worked with multi-million dollar businesses such as McDonalds, O.P.I, Christian Louboutin, Target and the like. Her hands are so well known that you can definitely spot them from a hundred other models. They are rarely photoshopped and they appear in photos the way there are in real life. Here are some of her famous work:

Here are some of her tips to keep her celebrity hands the way they are, after all, it's a major source of income for her mounting to up to $4,000 a day.

Multi-Million Dollar Hand Care Tips:

1) Always Exfoliate your hands:
Removing dead skin from your hands on a regular basis will help shed new skin and make your hands look so much stronger and younger.

2) Always Wear Kitchen Gloves:
Never ever ever do any of the house work without using gloves. Never expose the delicate skin of your hands to detergents, bleaching and chemicals. They will strip off the youth in your hands. Always keep gloves for dishes and gloves for regular house chores.

3) Always Moisturize:
Get those mini wonder bottles from The Body Shop or Sephora and keep them around you wherever you are. Keep one in your bag, one on your sink, one next to your commode and on in your office drawer.

4) Always Moisturize Again:
Whenever you are done washing your hands, get a drop or two of coconut oil/vitamin E and moisturise your hands while they are still WET to lock in the moisture.

5) Visit The Salon On a weekly basis:
For cutting, trimming, filing and everything. Keep your hands looking sleek.

6) Use only High end brands of Nail Polish:
Never use a cheap nail polish as it will destroy your nail bed and will have bad impacts on your hormones. (More on that Later)

7) Hand Exercises and Hand Massages:
After a long tiring day, always attempt some hand exercising to increase the blood flow and prevent future hand shaking. There are countless ones on You Tube.

8) Always Use Acetone-Free Nail Polish:
This is important as it will prevent our nails from being weak and yellow.

9) Keep your hands Polish Free:
Hands should be kept polish-free at least three days a month, so that they can get an adequate amount of oxygen.

10) Cuticle Oils:
Cuticle oils are very important as they are a great way to keep your nail beds getting the right vitamins and moisturising they need after a long day of work and chores. I always keep one next to my bed and I apply some before I sleep.

11) Borage Hand Cream:
This hand cream has to be a staple in your house when you have excessively dry hands. It is not a beauty product, it is an extremely strong treatment that brings your hands back to life. Find them it in Supplement Stores in Dubai.

12) Other Good Non-Greasy Moisturizers:
Nuxe Dry Oil, Cashmere Hand Lotion from Bath and Body Works, Caudalie hand and nail cream, Dove Beauty Cream, Rose Hand Cream by Body Shop, and Eucerin Repair Intensive Extra Rich Hand Cream.

13) Wear Gloves When You Are Sleeping At night:
Stock on some cotton gloves and wear them after you apply your moisturisers on very cold winter nights. You will be very surprised at how instantly warm you will feel.

14) Wash Your Hands Like Doctors:
Have you ever seen a doctor wash their hands after or before an operation? There is a scientific technique to how you should wash your hands to keep them germ-free and clean. This technique should be done everyday and it is something great to pass down to your kids too.

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Stay Tuned, Stay Beautiful!
