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The Million Dollar Tip: The Only Sure Way to Hide your Panda Eye Circles!

Hello Girls,

In response to many of the questions I get regarding excessive dark circles, here is a blog post that will help you completely conceal dark circles without having them looking grey when you have your makeup on.

If you have dark circles that are either very dark blue or even worse dark purple, do not worry as the beauty industry is always at your rescue. Sometimes a regular concealer is not enough to hide circles that are too obvious and too dark. How many of you have tried to conceal dark circles only to find them looking grey instead?

Well, here is the only solution for you. You have to have a Pure Orange concealer as a base to your regular concealer. All you need to do is apply some pure orange concealer on your dark circles and then top it off with your regular concealer and foundation normally. That's it! My favourite is the one by Mac and it is called "Pure Orange."

What happens is that the orange concealer does some major colour correction and cancels out the purple effect of your circles; while acting as the perfect base for your regular concealer to prevent any grey or ashy undertones.

So again, first step orange concealer (base) and second step regular beige concealer.

Please note that this tip is only for those who have strong dark circles. If, however, your circles are light to moderate then a regular concealer can easily do the trick.

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Stay Tuned, Stay Beautiful!
