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The many reasons why dark chocolate is going to be your next favourite beauty snack.

Hello girls,

I want to share with you the unbelievable benefits that a dark chocolate bar has for beautiful skin, healthy hair and a fuller stomach.

Dark chocolate is available everywhere and in many high-end brands. The best ones are usually the ones that specify that they are 70% cocoa or above. These have the highest percentage of cocoa and it is the cocoa that has the main nutritonal value for your skin, hair and body.

Many of you will complain about the sour taste this chocolate has in comparison to the utterly rich milk chocolate bar. Well, the good news is that it just requires some good adaptation. The only way to do it, is to cut on the milk chocolate versions and concentrate on the dark chocolate ones as if this is the only chocolate that the world can offer. A small square everyday will make you adapt and eventually you will be addicted to the taste.

You can start with something as light and small as the After Eight ones. Then slowly shift to the 30% cocoa bars, 50%, then gradually go up the scale until you reach the 80% cocoa bars.

Dark Chocolate and Healthy Skin:

Dark chocolate is very rich in mineral content as it contains copper, iron, magnesium and zinc that helps in promoting cellular growth, tissue repair and aids in the absorption of nutrients. In addition, dark chocolate has a very high vitamin content such as: Vitamin A, B-12, D and E. The high levels of minerals and vitamins help to promote blood flow which in turn improves the appearance of skin, increase hydration, decrease skin roughness and helps increase damage against UV damage.

Dark Chocolate and Healthy Hair:
The rich content of vitamins and minerals also help with improving hair texture and growth because of the increased blood flow and oxygen supply that they provide.

Dark Chocolate and Body:
Dark chocolate aids a great deal with weight loss as it keeps you fuller for a very long time. It also limits your sugar cravings which is the most obvious reason for weight gain. Take some to your office, keep some in your handbag, or even have a bite before heading to the gym.

Consume Dark Chocolate Properly:
Not because dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate then you allow yourself to indulge on them the whole day. Dark chocolate should be consumed moderately if you want to see positive results. 2-3 squares per day is enough to supply you with the necessary vitamins and minerals that your body actually needs.

Best Dark Chocolate Brands:





Unhealthy dark chocolate brands are the ones usually made by commercial brands such as M&M's, Hershey's, Galaxy, Kit Kat etc... They contain a high sugar content which actually defies the whole purpose of healthy eating.

Wait for tomorrow's blog post about the best dark chocolate facial masks that you can do at home.

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